Saturday, October 20, 2018

Resilience of Filipinos Towards Disasters

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Our country Philippines is known to be one of the most susceptible countries in the world to natural disasters and climate change. With over 7,000 islands, and over 36,000 kilometers of coastline, nearly everyone – 74 percent of the population – and everywhere – 80 percent of the land area – are vulnerable to disaster, with the capital of Manila considered at “extreme risk." These scenarios caused us in getting used to more than twenty of the world's worst storms coming through every year.  Floods scourging numerous cities and communities everywhere leaving us too much trouble and sufferings.

 And everytime these disasters leave us,it's time for us again to do our outmost capability to fix, to fully understand why we have to experience such things, to find some ways to make peace with loss, to find reasons to burgeon and survive, and to always look up for the things that we all need to do in terms of what we can do for assistance to other people and community reconstruction efforts that does not only takes months but rather it takes years.  

As with any other of my compatriots,  I also once grieved, also made peace with the thoughts and questions why we have to suffer and  as with what other people did, I  also had to rebuild.  It is really an art that we have to learn.

We Filipinos were born, raised and taught how to continue living during the times and cycles misfortune, loss, and rebuilding. We at our best, and ablest have to find ways and means inrebuilding again our community. Everyone of us will once again note our typical "Philippine resilience and faith" in how we deal with this every year. 

We can have resilience if we continue to have the faith in our minds and souls. Therefore, hand in hand everyone of us must act and be accountable.

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